Thursday, September 10, 2009


Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message)

28-30"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
There was a time when I was really burned out. I was doing a lot of running around and not necessarily ministry stuff...just doing stuff. I was doing a lot of running around for other people and just wasn't taking care of myself or my relationship with Jesus. I felt like I was trying to talk to Him but I didn't hear anything right away. Patience was not my virtue at that particular time.

When I was a Tuesday night service a few months ago, I shared this poem I wrote with people in the service. I'm not a great poet by any means but I wrote down what was in my heart. Hopefully this poem will help anyone who has gone through the "burn out" and "frustration" that I did. So here goes:

It has been nearly two weeks
That I have felt so tired and weak
I keep asking God what is wrong
Am I watching TV or sleeping too long?

God I don’t understand what could it be?
God said “You are not resting in Me!”
But God I try to pray every day
Yet I feel like I am going astray

I have to run here and there
Then come home grumpy as a bear
Sometimes it’s just so hard you see
God said “You’re not resting in Me!”

But God I am just too tired and weary
To hear Your voice very clearly
God I just have too much stress!
Oh Father is this just a test?

My child if you will read my Word
You will see that I am Lord
I command you to rest on day seven
That is in Exodus Chapter 20: Eight to Eleven

Even my Son, Jesus would take a rest
When you follow Him you’ll be refreshed
Do not worry, do not complain
For the root word of complain means to remain

I did not tell you to run around
And turn your life upside down
You did not hear, you did not see
You needed to just rest in Me

Oh yes my Father, now I see
That I need to be still before Thee
Yes I will need to make a choice
To listen to that still small voice

Oh my Father, you are always right
I don’t know why I put up a fight
It is so easy you will see
When He says “Just rest in Me.”

As you can see, every time He told me to "just rest in Him," I didn't even listen and went into another complaint...moaning and groaning like I usually do. Many times I have put up a fight and did not listen to what He has told me. In The Message Bible version, it says to go away with Him and He will show us "true" rest. Keep company with Him. Stop putting up such a fight - it really is easy!