Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Philippians 4:21-23 (Amplified Bible)

21Remember me to every saint (every born-again believer) in Christ Jesus. The brethren (my [a]associates) who are with me greet you.
22All the saints (God's consecrated ones here) wish to be remembered to you, especially those of Caesar's household
23The grace (spiritual favor and blessing) of the Lord Jesus Christ (the Anointed One) be with your spirit. Amen (so be it).

Ahhh...the fellowship of believers. I love how everyone at Vineyard Heritage Center greets people when we come into the house of God! When we greet each other, you can just see the love of Christ. You would think that we hadn't seen each other in years...lol I know when my sister and my brother-in-law came to church, they really liked the fact that people greeted them. "Greet every saint" is telling us to greet each other individually but also as a collective body of believers. That's how we should be all the time. Paul also asks his brothers and sisters in Christ to remember him in their prayers. I love how Paul uses a greeting in the beginning of his letters and then has a blessing at the end.

Paul began his letter by praying that his friends at Philippi will have "grace and peace" from God. He ended the letter by sending them his blessing. I like the Amplified Version because it says "The grace (spiritual favor and blessing) of the Lord Jesus Christ (the Anointed One) be with your spirit." What an awesome prayer - simple yet it says so much! To send someone a prayer of grace is such a great blessing. So pray for people today - pray that God will pour out His grace (spiritual favor and blessing) on them!

Luv ya and may the grace (spiritual favor and blessing) of the Lord Jesus Christ (the Anointed One) be with your Spir